Defining YOU with Helena J

#22 From employment to entrepreneurship: Unleashing your untapped potential with Elizabeth Yang

Helena J Season 1 Episode 22

Have you built your identity around your company, or perhaps you’ve spent many years  perfecting your craft for a job? 

If you have invested time working for someone else, but your expectations have fallen short, now may be the time to launch out on your own.

This episode is for any one who has worked for a company, but has the untapped potential to become an entrepreneur. 

Our guest today is Elizabeth Yang, CEO of Better with Company. A successful online business strategist and monetization expert, helping service-based entrepreneurs tired of being the best kept secret in their local town, expand online for greater impact and income with their teams. She specializes in high ticket sales and done-for-you nurturing, packaging services, leadership, talent and team optimization

Listen for the clues in her journey that led her from corporate America to entrepreneurship. 

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Here’s my interview with the Monetization Queen, Elizabeth Yang.

Episode links:
Connect with Elizabeth Yang:
Grab your free guide to High Ticket Conversations that Convert Online:

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