Defining YOU with Helena J

#17 Is it time for a career change? with Ann-Marie La Ronde-Richard

Helena J Season 1 Episode 17

What would it take for you to drop everything you’re doing right now and focus on the thing that truly makes your heart sing? Think about it. 

You probably started down one road in college, but now you find yourself in the grind of a job doing something completely different, and you wonder: how did I get here? But most importantly: how do I get back on track?

That’s exactly the question that our guest Ann-Marie La Ronde-Richard asked herself when she made the choice to pivot from being a research pathologist back to her original passion: working closely with patients.

As an international student from Dominica, her options were slim. Ann-Marie wasn’t eligible for financial aid, so her parents took out a second mortgage on their home to finance her studies in the US. 

This was a shot she could not afford to miss. So instead of going to medical school to work directly with the community, she took a PhD fellowship and her love for working with patients stayed on the back burner for years.

In today’s episode I asked Ann-Marie about the career path that built her up as a scientist, and the details of her decision to switch to a patient-driven track. 

It’s my hope that you will find the lessons you need to hear to get your own journey back on track, and you can finally find joy and purpose in what you do.

And if you’re listening on Apple Podcasts, please head over to the Reviews section and leave us a 5 star review, it really helps others find our show, and thank you.

Here’s my interview with Dr. Ann-Marie La Ronde-Richard.

Guest Information:
Dr. Ann-Marie La Ronde-Richard, Ph.D.
Director and Patient Engagement Lead
Internal Medicine Research Unit, Pfizer

Co-Founder of the Color of Biotech

Co-Founder of Dominican Health and Education Initiative

Virtual event: June 11, 2022 @10:00AM - 2:00PM
4th Annual Fundraiser, The Caribbean Culture, Cuisine and Art Expo

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